WASHINGTON — Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is poised to officially join the 2016 presidential race today, hoping to remake the Republican Party with a mix of libertarian and conservative ideals that can attract minorities and young people.
Paul is scheduled to declare his candidacy at a rally in Louisville, Ky.
Paul, 52, joins Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in a race that has attracted the interest of more than a dozen potential GOP candidates. He is also simultaneously running for re-election to his Senate seat.
Still to come in the presidential sweepstakes are former Florida governor Jeb Bush and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who are leading early public opinion polls. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is expected to announce his bid on April 13.
The GOP primary could pit Paul, Cruz and Rubio against each other as they vie for the votes of Tea Party supporters who backed them for the Senate. But the competition is viewed as healthy for Republicans eager to take back the White House.
"It's a positive thing that so many potential candidates do support our values," saidJenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots. "It shows our values are once again front and center in the political discussion in America."
Since his Senate election in 2010, Paul has positioned himself to be a more relatable — and electable — politician than his father, Ron. The elder Paul, a former Texas congressman, had legions of mostly young followers in the 2008 and 2012 elections but he was unable to translate their passion into enough presidential votes.
Like his father, Rand Paul is an iconoclast in a Republican Party. He hews the conservative line with attacks on excessive spending and big government, while crusading against government spying. Paul often says the GOP brand "sucks," and has spoken at historically black colleges to broaden the GOP's base.
"I'm a big believer that you should stand on principle and be true to your principles, but I also think we should take those principles and try to bring in new people with them," Paul said recently on Fox News.
That kind of message, however, may work better in a general election than in the Iowa caucuses or early primary states. Religious conservatives play an outsize role in Iowa, more so than establishment Republicans and fiscal conservatives.
Steve Deace, a syndicated radio host in Iowa who is influential with conservatives, said Paul needs to demonstrate appeal with evangelicals and gain ground on Walker, who is leading early Iowa polls.
"It's not just about who says Jesus the most and it's not about a cult of personality," Deace said about winning the Iowa caucuses. "We need people who are willing to fight. I don't think that environment is going to change. Candidates will have to change to that environment."
While Paul is seeking the GOP presidential nomination, he is also keeping his options open at home in Kentucky. He announced in December that he'll run for a second Senate term.
To get past a state law that forbids candidates from running for two offices at the same time, Paul has proposed a presidential caucus in 2016 that he would help fund instead of a primary. That would allow the state to record its presidential preference, without Paul appearing on the same ballot twice.